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Acquisition of Road Crossing Permits

Ketu South Municipal > Acquisition of Road Crossing Permits
Ketu South Municipal > Acquisition of Road Crossing Permits

It is a written notice/permit issued by the Municipal Assembly to an individual, a developer

and organizations (e.g. Ghana Water Company Limited, Electricity Company of Ghana and

Telecommunication Companies) in a prescribed format before carrying out road cutting

activities on the road surface and thrust-boring activities under the road surface. This permit includes;

  • Permit to cut the road surface
  • Permit to carrying out thrust-boring under the road surface
  • Permit to reinstate road crossing activities stated above

Any individual/developer or organization who intends to carry our road crossing activities.


Apply officially to the Municipal Urban Roads Department through the Municipal Chief

Executive with details of applicant’s or organization’s name, address, telephone number(s),

name of the road to be cut or thrust-bored, location of the road and road surface type.


a) Collect Municipal Urban Roads Department Road Crossing and Reinstatement

Application Form from the Urban Roads Department and fill with details stated on the form.

  1. b) Applicant must provide line diagram of installations in the area of the intended road crossing activity. DRAFT
  1. a) The applicant is invited to the Urban Roads Department of the Municipal Assembly

immediately after submission of the request by telephone for inspection of the road(s)

intended to be cut or thrust-bored.

  1. b) The Technical Inspection Team visits the site to determine the type of road to be cut

or thrust-bored (e.g. asphaltic surface road, bituminous surface road, gravelled

surface road), and suitability of the request or otherwise.

  1. c) The Team makes recommendations to the Municipal Urban Roads Director for

approval or otherwise two (2) days after inspection exercise.

  1. d) Upon approval, the Urban Roads Department determines the fees to be paid by the

applicant within one (1) working day.

  1. e) Applicant then pays at the Finance Department.
  2. f) Upon submission of all payment receipts at the Municipal Urban Roads Department,

the permit is issued that very day.


Road crossings and reinstatement must to be undertaken by a qualified and classified road

contractor, registered with Ministry of Roads and Highways.


  • A mandatory duct shall be placed at road crossing points (thrust-bored or otherwise)
  • Trench shall not be less than 1m in depth
  • Trench shall not be left open for a period of more than two (2) days. Open trenches

have to be protected using the necessary safety devices

  • Backfilling of trenches have to be done using approved materials and compacted

appropriately in layers not exceeding 150mm depth.


  1. Road crossing permit fee charged depends on the type of road surface.
    • Fees are subject to change and regulated by Fee Fixing Resolution adopted by the

    General Assembly annually.

    • Fees charged for reinstatement of road to be cut or thrust-bored and its supervision

    depends on the type of road surface

    • Reinstatement fees charged are subject to change due material and labour costs and

    not regulated by Fee Fixing Resolution adopted by the General Assembly annually.