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Acquisition of reservation trenching activities and reinstatement

Ketu South Municipal > Acquisition of reservation trenching activities and reinstatement
Ketu South Municipal > Acquisition of reservation trenching activities and reinstatement

It is a written notice/permit issued by the Municipal Assembly to utility organizations (e.g.

Ghana Water Company Limited, Electricity Company of Ghana and Telecommunication

Companies) in a prescribed format before carrying out road reservation trenching intended

for service lines. This permit includes;

▪ Permit to trench along an engineered pedestrian walk way

▪ Permit to trench along an unengineered pedestrian walkway

▪ Permit to trench along the road reservation without the carriage way and the

pedestrian walkway

Any utility organization who intends to carry out road reservation trenching activities for

installation of service lines.

Apply officially to the Municipal Urban Roads Department through the Municipal Chief

Executive with details of the organization’s name, address, telephone number(s) and name

of the road reservation which is to be trenched.

  1. a) Collect Municipal Urban Roads Department Road Reservation Trenching Application

Form from the Urban Roads Department and fill it with details state on the form.

  1. b) The applicant must provide the area service lines installation layout of the intended

road reservation to be trenched.

  1. Processing Procedure
    1. Apply officially to the Municipal Chief Executive with a base map from Survey

    Division of the Lands Commission

    1. Application is forwarded to Physical Planning Department for designing within five (5) working days of submission of application
    2. The initial inputs, recommendation and / or corrections within fourteen (14) months of submission of application.
    3. Technical Committee meets to evaluate the application and makes recommendation

    to the Statutory Planning Committee (SPC) within fifteen (15) working days after

    public consultation

    1. Statutory Planning Committee meets to approved/deny the application within ten (10)

    working days after the Technical Committee meeting

    1. Pay the appropriate fee and collect your approved Land Use Plan from the Physical

    Planning Department sixteen (16) months after submission of application

    1. The Physical Planning Department then distributes the approved Land Use Plan to

    other land sector agencies