Municipal Environmental Health Officer
Simon Adom
The Environmental health section of the Assembly;
- To provide on-field leadership for promoting hygiene education, and enforcement of
Environmental Health standards - Provide inputs for the preparation of Environmental Health budgets.
- Support monitoring, supervision and evaluation of Environmental Health
- Disseminate guidelines on Environmental Health.
- Support public education and prosecute sanitary offenders.
- Liaise with the Waste Management Department/Unit to zone, organize and
manage the jurisdictional area of the Assembly. - Initiate Environmental Health activities, including clean-up campaigns and
epidemic control. - Inspect large scale industrial establishments to ensure compliance with
Environmental Health standards. - To provide strategic and administrative leadership for the management of policies and
programmes relating to Environmental Sanitation - Develop technical standards and specification for Environmental Sanitation
service delivery. - Manage day-to-day administration and control all activities for the smooth
functioning of the division. - Conduct slaughter house and meat inspections.

Procurement Officer
Fritz Kakraba
As mandated by the Public Procurement Act, 2003 (Act 663) as amended, the Ketu South Municipal Assembly’s procurement unit was formed in 2012 to offer expertise in the procurement of Goods, Works and Services in line with the Act.
Core mandates of the unit includes:
- Preparation of Annual Procurement Plan and quarterly updates in line with the assembly’s approved Budget.
- To coordinate the specification preparation process with the user department.
- Find suitable vendors for Goods, Works and Services that the Assembly needs.
- Arrange for the supplies to be delivered to the receiving bay of the Assembly.
- Prepare Purchase Orders in the GIFMIS system for service providers.
- Handle grievances from service providers and finding amicable solutions.
- Oversee agreement made between the Assembly and its subcontractors and suppliers.
- Ensure that all transactions pertaining to procurement are properly documented in compliance with the Public Procurement mandatory procurement procedures.
- Draft notices and other relevant tender documents through the GHANEPS platform.

Development Planning Officer
Mr Redeemer Mawunyo Sosa
The Municipal Planning Unit is responsible for providing leadership in the planning, implementation and evaluation of development projects and programmes in the Assembly.
The Unit provides lead support in the preparation of Annual Reports, Development Action Plans and Medium Term Development Plans. It also monitors and reports on all development projects that takes place within the Municipality and liaises with stakeholders to collect inputs necessary to aid in the formulation of public policies and programmes.

Internal Auditor
Mr. Benjamin K. Tettey

Municipal Budget Analyst
Victor Nyonator
The Budget unit functions of the Ketu South Municipal Assembly are established by Local Governance Act, 2016 (Act 936), Local Government Department of the Assembly, 2009 (L.I. 1961) and the PFM Act 921, 2016. These frameworks spell out the functions of the Budget Unit within the Ketu South Municipality. The core functions of the Unit include:
(a) facilitate the preparation and execution of the budget of the Municipal
(b) facilitate the preparation, collation, and submission of annual estimates
by other Departments, Agencies and Institutions in the Municipal;
(c) co-ordinate the organization of in-service-training programmes for the
staff of the departments of Municipal Assemblies in budget preparation,
financial management and dissemination of information on government
financial policies;
(d) assist to verify and certify the status of district development projects
before request for funds for payment are submitted to the relevant funding
(e) facilitate the collation of the statistical inputs that will enhance the
preparation of the budget of the Assembly; and
(f) assist to monitor the programmes and projects of the Municipal Assembly
as a measure to ensure economic utilization of budgetary resources.

Gideon Nyamedi

MIS Officer
Curtis Darriel
This unit provides management with the development and application of IT standards and quality assurance system in relation to the implementation, development and the deployment of IT systems and resources.
It also advises management on the provision and maintenance of computers and other office IT accessories.
The unit also addresses IT issues and provides management with the design and implementation of security measures to protect the installations of IT infrastructure and systems.